
Training Now rated good by Ofsted

Training Now has been rated good in all categories following an inspection by Ofsted in September 2022.

Here at Training Now, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional apprenticeship programmes nationwide, with a specialist focus on health and social care apprenticeships as well as in business enterprise and management.

While the rating came as no surprise to our exceptional team, it recognised the hard work we have put in over the past year to establish Training Now as a young, dynamic and inspiring training provider.

Training Now Good Ofsted Rating

What does the report say?

The Ofsted inspection report praised the quality of learning across our apprenticeships. It noted that not only do Training Now apprentices successfully apply the skills and behaviours required to carry out their role effectively, they also demonstrate a very good understanding of the attributes of care: compassion, courage, communication, competence and commitment.

The inspection team also recognised how well Training Now’s curriculums have been designed in order to be flexible and best suit the needs of each learner. This included ensuring that apprentices who work with older people complete units on dementia, end of life care or managing Parkinson’s.

What’s more, the report acknowledges the work done to provide ‘effective strategies to identify and support apprentices’ career aspirations’ and how well employers ‘value the way that the teaching team brings wider and more relevant professional experience of the sector.’

A dynamic and inspiring provider

But all this success hasn’t come by chance.

Since her appointment in December 2021, Managing Director Tara Roudiani has overhauled the framework of Training Now from the ground up; revitalising the energy and enthusiasm for learning that lies at the core of our ethos.

Tara is a highly experienced leader with a long and varied career in Further Education and Skills, and brings a passionate energy and dedicated work ethic to Training Now.

On learning the result of the report, she praised the hardworking efforts of her team who have embraced her vision while continuing to transform the lives of apprentices nationwide:

“We are absolutely thrilled to have achieved a ‘Good’ rating in all categories. The impact of our training on our apprentices’ working practices has been incredible.

“The fact that inspectors told us that our apprentices display compassion and the practical skills needed for a successful career in care is very rewarding to the team.

“This is such an exciting time for Training Now, we are focussing on widening our apprenticeship provision so that more people have access to really good training in health and social care.”

Tara Roudiani (middle) with Head of Quality and Learning, Joann Stone (Left) and Operations Director, Scott Jones (Right)

Health and social care training

Training Now is proud to work with companies across the health and social care sector to provide bespoke training opportunities.

Of those, Agincare, a national health and social care provider, offers all of its 3,700 strong work force the chance to gain an apprenticeship with Training Now.

In praise of the relationship between Agincare and Training Now, Agincare Chief Executive Raina Summerson said:

“We are proud to have hundreds of apprentices building a rewarding career with great progression opportunities at Agincare, and Training Now is absolutely central to that success.

“The recruitment and retention of a skilled workforce in adult social care has never been so important or pressing; and Training Now can go on to play a leading role in producing care workers and leaders of the future, not only at Agincare but for all the other care providers it works with.”

Training the future of social care

The positive report from Ofsted reflects and recognises the commitment and enthusiasm of the Training Now team. Through our apprenticeships, we are united in supporting the future leaders of health and social care to succeed.

In addition to our range of apprenticeships, Training Now also offers short courses, CPD programmes and qualifications covering the health and social care sector.

Whether you are an employer looking to provide opportunities for career progression to your workforce, or an individual looking to take the next step, our apprenticeship and short course opportunities could help.